Friday, September 23, 2011

I dont like what your doing to your kid.

This is probably one of the most controversial blogs i have ever written, im just glad ot say first off that my writers block is finally going away and im excited about it.

Anyways, I thought the title was an attention grabber, and condemn me all you want I do not mind if you agree or disagree, your opinions are more then welcome!

ADD: My kid is having trouble paying attention, so there is his label: attention deficit disorder

ADHD: My kid is wild, and having trouble paying attention, so lets g ive him that label (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

ODD: Op-positional defiant disorder.. My kid automatically says NO when asked a question.

Aspergers syndrome: person, child, whatever..has a quirky personality, excells in one or two things, and has a lot of trouble interacting socially.

Way back when..well, a little before I was growing up. they didnt have all of these pharmaceutical labels for your kids, and its funny how everyone turned out fine isnt it?

Einstein himself was famous for not doing well in school

Now firstly, I am going to say that some of these conditions could potentially be real, but I have learned in my experiences (as studying naturopathic medicine growing up, taking child development and VERY ACTIVELY assisting in raising both of my nephews, and seeing how much thingss have changed through the years)that the pharmecuitical companies are not all they are cracked up to be.

My kid has ADHD, lets put him on ritalin (or another similar drug) to and calm him down, next time you know (and this happened to a dear old friend of mine) the kid is a zombie, doesnt have the same excentric personality he had before when he had this alleged "learning disorder"

It is flat out embarassing, for my friend's kids to pretty much do whatever they want, and have my friend walk up and say "Im sorry, my kid has ADHD, he cannot help it". My Mom would have WHOOPED OUR ASSES if we were older then the age of 3, and still bit people, or mouthed off and said whatever we wanted when we were old enough to know the difference.

Many times it is proven (in the naturopathic world, not so much the modern medicine "run to the DR everytime you sneeze" world) that often really eccentric children, have a bad reaction to the CRAP that is in our food (commonly red dye number 40, and sodium Benzoate, and other artificial sweeteners and preservatives that are in everything)

Check your kid, instead of drugging him first...That should be the slogan for a new tshirt. I bet half of the kids out there have not even been tested if they are having a bad reaction to red dye number 40, or high fructose corn syrup, or sodium benzoate, or anything else on the labels of our overly stimulating drinks and food.

Wouldnt people rather check and see what their kids can and cannot handle, instead of running them to the DR to drug them up and fix the problem and make your child a zombie??

No, its more fun I guess to feed lots of money to our rich pharmaceutical big wigs, and make our kids little aliens instead of doing whats best for them in feeding them natural foods.

My other peeve: ASPERGERS....granted, I am sure it exists, I am not saying none of this does, but just ecause someone doest have a clue. is not on the same page as you, is socially awkward, tempermental and childish, doesn't reason, and has something they are an exceptional whiz at, does not mean that they are autistic.

I get it, awareness, they know so much more now then they knew before! but really, do they? or are we just feeding the doctors, shrinks, governments, and pharmaceutical companies pockets on prescription drugs and office visits?
you tell me.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

what do adults do on Halloween?

Haunted houses: busy, expensive

Drinking: Borrriiiinnngggggg

So aside from dressing up, what is there exactly for us child-less adults to do on Halloween? it has potential, but what does everyone do for it aside from set up cheesy displays and make shift haunted houses? ideas to come....and welcome.

Monday, September 5, 2011

sick of it

Writers block, its like an noncontagious mental bubonic plague. I want less of the ME ME ME's in the way my writing used to be...but see? I did it again.

Frick. Help :(