Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The little things


Sometimes in life, you just have to focus on the little things to get you through the day. Cliche yes? But this seems to work. So here goes: no order, just listing and certainly not everything.

If you take on this challenge, do at least 15 to 20 on your list.

So here's today's list:

*the little handsome dude that rambles on about "THAT ONE GAME" when you walk in the door.

*the dog that politely puts her paw on your chest when you address a question, the big blonde one that can't keep his tongue off of your face, or the two or three littles that wiggle into your lap when you slide down to the floor.

*fucking netflix

*those moments of laughter even in the most stressful of environments.

*oh and those little moments of laughter over there too.

*and those.

*a salty basket of fries and the cheeseburger without the lettuce and the ketchup.

*hand out the window while driving

*the outer dog that tries to imitate human noises.

*the "big boned" lap cat on the back of the chair

*stories in the morning from Ma, from both news sources and personal stories.

*waking up to pounding noises and finding out its the inquisitive parakeet and his little brother.

*Spotify premium

*sibling texts that are based in humor and advice

*all of the regulars at the stores and the inside jokes that occur with them.

*baby pictures from my best friend and our long conversations.

Life is gorgeous, everything else is just irrelevant.