I don't usually post Facebook banter on personal blogs-but here goes.
Recently an article in Psychology today talked about why people don't reply to messages.
I'm a person who advocates being an introvert- so I apologize if you're feeling my opinion reflect that too much.
Here goes: all raw and true.
I see a lot of self entitled individuals on this post.
A cell phone is a LUXURY.
I have a family, pets, stuff going on, people to see, driving to do, places to go.
I'm not going to just stop what I'm doing and reply to you.
What happened when you wanted to send me a message in "1975'. You left a message on my answering machine.
What about in 1900?
You didn't. See? Exactly.
I need to unplug, collaborate, and listen.
The other day I had lunch with a friend of mine, we didn't touch our phones the entire time we ate and waited for our food. We had fun and enjoyed each others company.
I wouldn't trade my good times, NOT PLUGGED IN, for anything. Not even your stupid text message.
My family is more important, my friends are more important, my well being is more important.