Thursday, April 5, 2012

Draw latest app craze.

While I make Andrew take my turn with Curtis in "draw something" (The app) we add eachother and he starts a game. Granted, Curtis is awesome..but he never texts back unless he doesn't understand a picture, it was amusing minutes later when he decided to text back lol. Anyways, I get Andrew totally addicted..and as cute as he is, he cannot draw very well..but is still a good sport about playing. My littlest nephew are along with me, so i try to keep the lingo and wording cleaner in his presence, we can only go so far! I see...two items. one is the word MARLY, and the other is a joint..tho I did not realize that until our discussion. Andrew: what does that look like to you? Holly: a beta-fish! Andrew: laughs. what do you associate with Marley? Holly: mmmmmmmm the dog! and the movie. Nephew: I thought of the movie too! Andrew: and? Holly: dreadlocks Andrew: and? Holly: weed! and you didn't spell Marley right Andrew: I know Nephew: what is that? :points to drawn joint picture: Holly: A beta-fish! Andrew: LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY TOGETHER WITH HOLLY. H: im not real good with drug references... A: I figured! H: :whispers: weed..ganja...mary jane...420...pot..hemp? i dont know!! Andrew: Its BUDDHA!!! H: BUDDHA??? I associate him with plates of food at the nail places..and the big green guy A: but I didnt wanna draw the big green guy. lol. no comment. We sure had a blast yesterday though :)

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