Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How can we change the world? step 1.

I think in honor of disabilities month...we should all do what we can to make a difference. People do not think we are powerful enough but we can. Lets take it to a whole new step, and make it diversity month. My idea is: everytime you see someone online on a fourm or a meme making fun of someone who is: of ANY race, creed, religion, any kind of disability (physical or mental) you report them. Lets make facebook a little bit, nicer. Who is up for the challenge? how to change the world, step 1. kinkysoandso.blogspot.com That is my first installment on how I can contribute, and help others to contribute to making the world a better place. If you have ANY IDEAS feel free to send them to me. Also, if you wanna take that above paragraph too facebook or anywhere, feel free. chiliconholly@gmail.com and ill post them here or link your blog in one of my entries. Thanks everyone. Hope this new idea helps. I have been wanting to see some changes in the world.

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