Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hidden music abilities

Ever since i was a young kid...Ive been pretty musically inclined (Minus my voice, but it doesnt mean I dont make ears bleed, thats just too fun!). Ive had the ability to partially play by ear, i can hear something, and often duplicate it with a keyboard or piano in front of me. Of course, I cant hold a candle to my brother, who can play keyboard by ear better then anyone ive ever even heard before. I have always had the radio on..since i was a kid, i hardly ever turn off some source of music.Ive learned the treble and bass clef of course, but really need a refresher course (especially of the bass clef) and need to learn how to play Piano with BOTH hands :D

I used to be in band class at an older elementary school age, and mostly, have always dreamed of starting a band. I grew up, gave most of it up unfortunately. Battled with some pretty nasty depression and a sad life change that resulted in the ability to quickly emotionally shut down, and really lost most of myself from around 2006, to sometime around 2010 when I found myself again.

So, I dont wanna ramble again. The old Holly is pulling herself out of the woodwork of her adult life, and as of last year, pulled myself out of depression. Between work and tasks that are constantly being done, ive picked up the keyboard and the ukulele (which im teaching myself) but mostly whats i have an extremely good beat. seriously, put a song on, and listen to me tap on the counter...I do these spaztic drum riffs, that seem to match the song very well. lol, geeky, i know :O. Currently listening to "No sugar tonight / New mother nature" by The Guess who, and playing along while im thinking and pausing my hands between thoughts.

Through the years, ive dabbled in many a instruments..but am getting in touch with my voice lately, heres to hoping! If not, making people scream and run away is something ive always been good at.... bug I need to keep the music with me. I need to keep trying and playing and maximizing my potential. I wake up with riffs in my head sometimes, that I wish I could express or jot down. I don't care if im 24, your never to old to play music or start a band.

Should stick with the keyboard, but have played: trumpet, trombone, piano, harmonica, guitar... ehh, dont remember what else.

Feel the music. Everyone have a good week. Any suggestions or side thoughts?

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