Monday, January 7, 2013


As I lay here, tissues all around me..vics vaporub by my laptop and rubbed all over me and the bottom of my feet (hey, it works)

Paul McCartney and the wings "let em in" playing as I type, and my copy of "Catcher in the Rye" by JD Salinger laying in front of me..

I realize, this is not quite how i pictured the evening of the night  before I start school to go.

Yesterday, I had the chills for part of the day. Everytime I catch a cold, I run a slight fever. Suddenly everyone at my house fell sick on Friday. We all had something different,  but we all mostly had something.

Im rushing through a math book, wondering why I cannot seem to  get ahead.

Are things EVER what I expect? no. but thats the beauty of life. Not this cold, not the snot..but irony. Irony can be gorgeous...if we knew what life was, we would never be surprised.

Tomorrow ill run into a busy classroom with my pockets stuffed full of jacked tissues, half used by my journey there...half hopefully not even scathed. Luckily, its a fairly highly functioning cold, but mind you..I am up at 6 AM and its almost 1:30...and im still not asleep.

Too busy watching tv, listening to music now, and now..doing the thing that my purpose-driven self is doing whereas to why I am going to school in the first place.


:sniff, sniff:
 I can wish this cold away, but id rather wish to pass all my classes on this first and very challenging quarter of college.
So here goes! Good luck, fellow students.

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