Inspiration in creativity, me time. Inspiration in makin this the best damn research paper I have ever written. Things I want in life, things I strive for..but part of me is dead. We need zombie-chiliconholly, I need to come back from the dead.
I have learned that dopamine seems to be a receptor to that good feeling that says "I just experienced something amazing!" but dopamine is a stubborn hormone- it only releases in small amounts unless it is a brand new experience.
It is usually if I have or can make time for things, there is no inspiration, a dead zone of thought process. Coffee used to help, it no longer does. Internet searching used to help, now it just absorbs me. Its a simple matter of "am i feeling it. or am i not?" Is that my old brain just getting dusty and riddled with cob webs? or am I just getting stubborn as I get older?
Also, as much as I love college, I feel like it pissed all over my writing career. The formality is down a little better, but I need to find an elective that gives me interesting topics to write about.
Once upon a time, there was too much to write about. In the past 6 months to a year, it has been a royal struggle to write about anything other then whats happening right now, right in Vansterdam that immediately effects me and my life.
Dead zones.
- Work- I am here too much. When time allows me to be creative or write something rad because all the work is done for the day and it is a long shift, I do not feel it at all.
- When my laptop is in front of me- which is ironic seeing that I need it in front of me to post on a blog or write a review on yelp or do SOMETHING to save myself.
- settle down time- when ive had that post-work shower and im ready to roll.
- when everyone is sleeping- as in, the time i can have uninterrupted writing time..
- when I have zero to little homework.
- Basically any spare time I have, my mind is simply dead with nothing creative or useful these days.
- unexpected power naps- the older I get, the more i wake up wondering how i nodded off in the first place.
Live zones.
- Driving on the highway (i am against texting or writing and driving, all i do is eat & drive!)
- when im swamped with homework-nothing says guilt like recreational blogging when you have 30 math problems or a quarter of your paper to complete that are due by that next day or two.
- when im in a restaurant, a shopping mall, or in a zone where im obligated to be polite and put my phone or writing tablet down.
- Weekends with my family (see number 3)
- hanging out with a friend (example 3 again)
- ANYTIME I cannot be "alive" I feel inspiration to in fact be very much alive in thought and writing or creativity.
- Pinterest-when you I am sitting there posting reasons to feel alive, I very much feel alive until I shut my laptop.
advice? help? whatever you think I should do, I miss that part of me, the idealistic one. The one with the crazy ideas and can always provide a good time. The recycled artist, the super writer.
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