Friday, July 29, 2016

Why Donald Trump is a danger and not just a "bad nominee"

"A man you can bait with a tweet, is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons"

I don't know if you like Hillary or if you hate Hillary, but the point is that is a damn good and true quote.

You don't want a TV Entertainer running for president who has no tact, has already employed people in other countries, and has filed enough bankruptcies to probably have credit that was a negative number if he didn't legally bounce around that.

The most common excuse I have heard for people electing Trump is this alleged wall that he is going to build and the fact that he is a businessman.

The main Trump company was actually started up by his father he inherited it.
The funniest thing about capitalism, is that if you have a lot of money you are able to make more out of it much much easier.
You can build a mega company with enough money hire enough people but you are not a true businessman until you make it work and until everybody is happy.
Lawsuit after lawsuit bankruptcy after bankruptcy..... How much of him is actually a businessman and how much of it is all show? How much of him is a pathetic rich boy trying?

As for his wall: do you notice his white skin?
Can you say.....European descendant?
Unless you are a Native American you too have grandparents that are immigrants.
And if you are: you are surrounded by many MANY immigrants.
Anthropological experts say that people are always in motion. Even throughout history, nobody stays in one place forever. Humans are always migrating looking for something better and I can guarantee if you grew up in a country like Mexico; you would do the same exact thing.

I also want to point out that Trump is employing people in Mexico, India, China all of these other places as opposed to "Making America Great Again" and actually having people employed here.

How can you make claims that you were going to fix all of the issues as a president, but turn around and practice business in the completely opposite belief system of what you are preaching?

Republicans, don't just do it because he has an elephant on his sleeve.
Trump is a nightmare for both parties and he will make sure that this country goes straight to hell in a hand basket.
You still have other options.

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