Saturday, September 3, 2016

A badly written but well thought out DREAM ROAD TRIP

My best friend and I were talking one night and she randomly asked me if I could go anywhere and had any ideas for a major Travel list what I would contribute.

I didn't fix any of the grammar or make any changes I just started writing as if I was talking (I was even using voice text).

Soundpure content here is an ideal (yet non Californian) trip straight through America that I literally pulled out of the sky and covers everything I'd ever love to see in thus beautiful country.

Copied and pasted straight from the conversation itself.
You start in the Portland area and then head east.
If anybody wants to map it out, please send it over when you are done for giggles and wiggles.


One thing I've never done tho (this entire list) is take a road trip through America I always thought that would be really really cool.
Go east go through Montana and go down to Wyoming and go to Yellowstone. Then from there hit up
Deadwood South Dakota
The arches park in Utah
Some killer waterparks in Arizona
Hit up the grand Canyon

And maybe go to the east side like to Texas and see the Alamo go to Tennessee and Beale Street in Memphis and check out the country music scene down there

Keep going east and
To New Orleans, Louisiana then go
through Florida and then go north and head up the East Coast go to places like Boston and Myrtle Beach South Carolina xcetera

Make a stop in New Jersey
Drive on the turnpike and see different filming sites for the sopranos (haha! Only me would want that part!)
and try the food in Jersey
go to New York City

And as you venture back towards the west coast, hit up Chicago
Try the pizza
Either go north and go back to the Midwest and hit the Minnesota side and backtrack a little or go straight down the middle so you can go to Colorado and go through red rocks? I am not sure,
It's supposed to be the most purest sounding concert venue ever
Then head home

That would be a hell of a trip


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