Thursday, February 18, 2010


I am going to be flat out honest here..I have 10 blogs, a few of them are totally inactive, however, I started this tenth blog, because I wanted to have the username

kinky so and so

why you ask? well, ive been listening to a lot of Steely Dan lately, ive always had a big respect for Steely Dan, however I obtained the greatest hits cd in a rush due to the old "recent break up music makeover" thing that happens to a lot of us.

So my favorite song on that CD currently is Haitian divorce, really good song about a happy couple, who gets married, then divorces quickly, has a long night at a bar, then she reunites with him and has a baby, but its not his baby..hence the KINKY SO AND SO

No particular reason, I just thought it was a catchy cute name choice, kinky if you may :)
and thought id put it here on blogspot.

my other blogs are different...
one of my favorites is on hold, a very personal blog I ended up giving to HIM, I wrote all about him, and tho i like the name (catch22heinz57) I dont really know what to do with it right now.
Another blog, is my daily diggins, going to put an entry in everyday, well, farmtown,farmville, and friends have taken up that time happily for me, plus not having new material everyday, so i put that one down for now.
im starting a new one, an advice column,
you have any advice you want, email me
i can post it anon or not post it at all but you have to let me know what you want :)

my favorite, tho least my

ooo rah, thats a good one, im needing to do more news stories.
ive got more, whatever my motivation was, went away until I pull them back up again.

So here I am, this is me, I can be a critical thinker at times. I look forward to your feedback and comments in the future or anytime :)