Monday, May 7, 2012

Broken laptop keyboards mean forced internet exiles

Back from my accidental internet exile! Well, I had a keyboard on my laptop break down. No big deal except: I promised to promote a bunch of other spray painters like myself on my art and photography page on facebook. So I was forced to flake in the middle of that, I was talking to my online friend and duck expert about an infection my duck has in her foot, so there I go flaking again. Its all gravy tho, it was kinda peaceful without the noise of my clicking keys. Evipparently, they want me to pay around 100 dollars to get my laptop fixed, wheras fred meyers has plug in keyboards for about thirteen dollars. Where I want to get my actual laptop fixed (portability for the win!). Ive decided that saving 77 dollars is the way to go for now since I decided to use my paycheck for groceries and bills and lots of boring adult things. So the advantage to having a movable keyboard is: that i can lay in bed without a warm laptop right in my face. The disadvantage, is that i have to bend over a lot to use the stylus on my computer, and bending over hurts the already bad back. So here I am, ready to get back to the promoting of myself and others art this week, Also need to get out and spray paint! I have a big announcement coming in another blog in the next few days. Stay tuned, unless of course, you already know whats coming for me in June :) ITS HUGE, not a baby, or an engagement, or a vacation, but huge :)