Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Return of the Jedi simplified and dumbed-down to match modern times

Return of the Jedi in a really basic, semi modernized yet rather simple and warped plotline.
WARNING: you will roll your eyes but hopefully you will understand it is still the entire plot line of Return of the Jedi 😂

Luke: is he really my dad?
Yoda: yep ::dies::
Luke: dammit.
Obiwan hologram: yep, he's your dad.
Luke: well sonovabitch.
Obiwan: yep yep and you've got to fight him too.
Luke: but I don't want tooo!!!
Obiwan: Jedi status, yo.
Luke: fine.

::some go to fight, crashes on Forrest moon::
Wicket: WTF..let's eat!
::big ewok rage over c3PO::
Han: dammit you stupid brass robot. TELL THEM TO LET US GO.

Luke: oh Shit. My deadbeat dad is here. g2g..oh wait..BTW. Sssshhh youre my sister.
Leia: Oh. whatever. I know. Well I wanna fight too!
Luke: no you don't.
I mean if I die you do..but damned if you do and damned if you don't.

::scene flash::

Luke: dad, this is bullshit. I don't want to answer to the emperor.
Darth:: uhhh sorry. We belong to hims. Grab my cigarettes you little bastard.

Storm Troopers are invading being a bunch of tough guys.,. then the ewoks attack.
The bad police are here to crash the hairy cute little party...and they fight back proving that size doesn't matter nearly as much as strength. ::short people unite!::

Emperor: so let's get back to talking about your deadbeat dad and how pathetic your friends are. Look what I can do! ::FIRE COMMANDER::

::meanwhile everyone is trying to take down the death Star:::

Emperor: tough shit, son. You got us for FAM now...DOE!
Now hate me... DO IT! DO IT!!! CONVERT TO THE DARKSIDE!!!!

::back on moon Forrest::
Leia takes down a bunch of storm troopers... Han and Leia do the 'I love you I know' thing...::random lovey scene in the middle of the daddy issues having no indication that they should use a contraceptive to avoid the birth of Ben later on:::

::back on death star::
Darth: wow son, lol you so dumb.
Darth: DAMMIT SHUT UP. ::THROWS LIGHTSABER:: give it up, son.
On yeah, I know about my other daughter. Maury told me already. Didn't I look good on TV?
Luke: ::hits with light saber and fight continues::
Emperor: ha. Told you you were evil.
Luke: nooooo. Still a Jedi, Motherf*cker. Like my daddy.
Emperor: so how bout this exorcism?
Jk I keel you.
Darth: don't do that. I'm a deadbeat dad not a murderer.
::sings "Father Figure" by George Michael to Luke::
Darth: ::spends last minute and a half of life being all nice making up for years of deadbeat daddy hood::

Lando: ::blows up deathstar::
Nobody notices when I do cool shit.
It's all about Luuuuukkkeeeee.
WHAT ABOUT ME?!!!! they won't even invite me to the after party.

::ewok party hard::
Han: you love Luke, don't you? I'll go beat his ass.
Leia: you bloody idiot, that's my brother.
::show ends on another big Ewok party::

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A badly written but well thought out DREAM ROAD TRIP

My best friend and I were talking one night and she randomly asked me if I could go anywhere and had any ideas for a major Travel list what I would contribute.

I didn't fix any of the grammar or make any changes I just started writing as if I was talking (I was even using voice text).

Soundpure content here is an ideal (yet non Californian) trip straight through America that I literally pulled out of the sky and covers everything I'd ever love to see in thus beautiful country.

Copied and pasted straight from the conversation itself.
You start in the Portland area and then head east.
If anybody wants to map it out, please send it over when you are done for giggles and wiggles.


One thing I've never done tho (this entire list) is take a road trip through America I always thought that would be really really cool.
Go east go through Montana and go down to Wyoming and go to Yellowstone. Then from there hit up
Deadwood South Dakota
The arches park in Utah
Some killer waterparks in Arizona
Hit up the grand Canyon

And maybe go to the east side like to Texas and see the Alamo go to Tennessee and Beale Street in Memphis and check out the country music scene down there

Keep going east and
To New Orleans, Louisiana then go
through Florida and then go north and head up the East Coast go to places like Boston and Myrtle Beach South Carolina xcetera

Make a stop in New Jersey
Drive on the turnpike and see different filming sites for the sopranos (haha! Only me would want that part!)
and try the food in Jersey
go to New York City

And as you venture back towards the west coast, hit up Chicago
Try the pizza
Either go north and go back to the Midwest and hit the Minnesota side and backtrack a little or go straight down the middle so you can go to Colorado and go through red rocks? I am not sure,
It's supposed to be the most purest sounding concert venue ever
Then head home

That would be a hell of a trip


Friday, July 29, 2016

Why Donald Trump is a danger and not just a "bad nominee"

"A man you can bait with a tweet, is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons"

I don't know if you like Hillary or if you hate Hillary, but the point is that is a damn good and true quote.

You don't want a TV Entertainer running for president who has no tact, has already employed people in other countries, and has filed enough bankruptcies to probably have credit that was a negative number if he didn't legally bounce around that.

The most common excuse I have heard for people electing Trump is this alleged wall that he is going to build and the fact that he is a businessman.

The main Trump company was actually started up by his father he inherited it.
The funniest thing about capitalism, is that if you have a lot of money you are able to make more out of it much much easier.
You can build a mega company with enough money hire enough people but you are not a true businessman until you make it work and until everybody is happy.
Lawsuit after lawsuit bankruptcy after bankruptcy..... How much of him is actually a businessman and how much of it is all show? How much of him is a pathetic rich boy trying?

As for his wall: do you notice his white skin?
Can you say.....European descendant?
Unless you are a Native American you too have grandparents that are immigrants.
And if you are: you are surrounded by many MANY immigrants.
Anthropological experts say that people are always in motion. Even throughout history, nobody stays in one place forever. Humans are always migrating looking for something better and I can guarantee if you grew up in a country like Mexico; you would do the same exact thing.

I also want to point out that Trump is employing people in Mexico, India, China all of these other places as opposed to "Making America Great Again" and actually having people employed here.

How can you make claims that you were going to fix all of the issues as a president, but turn around and practice business in the completely opposite belief system of what you are preaching?

Republicans, don't just do it because he has an elephant on his sleeve.
Trump is a nightmare for both parties and he will make sure that this country goes straight to hell in a hand basket.
You still have other options.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

You microorganism you.

What if I told you there was a big circular has this liquid iron core in the middle of it that creates a magnetic field in the middle from its spinning.
Aligning the solid portion of this circle was these tiny little microorganisms with these rather impressive brains, there were about 6 to 7 billion of them.
These brains spend everyday driving these little pieces of metal to a place where they make money to survive.
These tiny microorganisms hate each other. They do jot have to meet each other to hate each other- instead they hate each other for how they believe they got there and what color or accent each microorganism has.
They kill each other, they chirp nasty hateful things but yet... they are all the same.
So you have 7 billion people who just hate on each other....and for what REAL reason really?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year, here's a little pep talk.

New years pep talk from me.
Lucky you!

1. You know those people that only have you around when you want something? Those ones that never greet you or answer you or call you but otherwise only offer you attention when it benefits them? They need to go.

2. You know those people who pick on you for your flaws or mentally compete with you all the time? The ones that put you down and think they or their people do better? They need to go too.

3. You know those energy suckers? Those negative people that bitch and bitch and bitch about how horrible their lives are with no thought or actual caring to your life or wellbeing? The ones who throw out nothing more than an obligatory HOW ARE YOU before directing the conversation to them and them only?
Get rid of them too.

You see, you deserve better than mentally taxing relationships. You need to focus on those who are true to you, who you feel like benefits you and who you too can equally give valuble love to.
Find your namaste people.

A stagnate relationship is one thing, we all have and need acquaintances and old friends.

But a friendship isn't measured on length of time, money, or routine..... its measured on value and love.

Does your heart light up or smile when (this tested) person is near you?
Okay, now ask yourself why or why not?

Be around family and friends that make you feel
They are sometimes few and far between; and things will never be exciting 100% of the time; but your heart tells you when a friendship is healthy. Sometimes it surprises you in the most oddest place in the most oddest timing.

Make sure you take care of yourself in 2016. You deserve it.