Tuesday, January 19, 2016

You microorganism you.

What if I told you there was a big circular thang....it has this liquid iron core in the middle of it that creates a magnetic field in the middle from its spinning.
Aligning the solid portion of this circle was these tiny little microorganisms with these rather impressive brains, there were about 6 to 7 billion of them.
These brains spend everyday driving these little pieces of metal to a place where they make money to survive.
These tiny microorganisms hate each other. They do jot have to meet each other to hate each other- instead they hate each other for how they believe they got there and what color or accent each microorganism has.
They kill each other, they chirp nasty hateful things but yet... they are all the same.
So you have 7 billion people who just hate on each other....and for what REAL reason really?

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